Articles on: Quotify

How do I open the quote cart from anywhere?

There are two options that you can use to open the quote cart from any page.

Sticky Quote Cart Button

Go to Online Store > Themes and click Customize on your theme:

Customize theme

Next, click the App Embeds icon:

App Embeds

Enable the Sticky Quote Cart Button and define your settings:

Sticky Quote Cart Button Settings

Sticky Show Quote Cart Button

Use a custom HTML snippet

If you want to show the quote cart you can use the following code snippet to open the modal showing the quote cart contents:

<button data-quotify-cart>Open Quote Cart</button>

It's also possible to show the amount of items in the quote cart:

<button class="quotify-sticky-cart-btn" data-quotify-cart>
    Open Quote Cart
    <span class="quotify-quote-cart-btn-has-count" data-quotify-cart-count="(:count)"></span>

You can modify `data-quotify-cart-count="(:count)"`to change the way the number should be shown. This example, will look like "Open Quote Cart (3)". Let's say you want to wrap the number in brackets, in that case it will be data-quotify-cart-count="[:count]" which will result in "Open Quote Cart [3]".

Updated on: 28/12/2024

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